Error Codes
Below are all of the error codes supplied by OnSched API v1.0.0 and their description.
"messages": [
"code": "LIMIT-100",
"text": "Limit parameter cannot exceed 100."
"code": "OFFSET-100",
"text": "Offset parameter cannot be negative."
"code": "EMAIL-100",
"text": "Email length cannot be greater than 254 characters."
"code": "EMAIL-101",
"text": "Invalid email, valid email addresses include username domain and extension. ex. [email protected]"
"code": "EMAIL-102",
"text": "Email in the appointment is invalid. Please add a valid email. Valid email addresses include username domain and extension. ex. [email protected]"
"code": "BOOKING-100",
"text": "Book ahead limit in online booking settings exceeded."
"code": "BOOKING-101",
"text": "EndDateTime timezone offset must be the same as the StartDateTime offset {0} minutes"
"code": "BOOKING-102",
"text": "Invalid appointment duration. Must match rules defined for the Service"
"code": "BOOKING-103",
"text": "Appointments cannot be created that have a date and time in the past"
"code": "BOOKING-104",
"text": "Book in advance limit error. You must book {0} mins in advance."
"code": "BOOKING-105",
"text": "No availability exists for the time specified. Ensure you are using a time returned from an availability end point"
"code": "BOOKING-106",
"text": "Exceeded calendar booking limit. Check configuration of Daily, Weekly and Monthly limits"
"code": "BOOKING-107",
"text": "The offset supplied in the StartDateTime does not match the TimezoneName supplied"
"code": "BOOKING-108",
"text": "Appointments can only be booked that have a status of 'IN' (Initial) status"
"code": "BOOKING-109",
"text": "Appointment Email is required if a customerId is not supplied"
"code": "BOOKING-110",
"text": "Appointment Name is required if a customerId is not supplied"
"code": "BOOKING-111",
"text": "Appointment has expired. Please find another available time."
"code": "BOOKING-112",
"text": "Custom field information did not match definition. See GET /consumer/v1/appointments/customFields."
"code": "BOOKING-113",
"text": "Exceeded Customer Bookings per day setting of {0}"
"code": "BOOKING-114",
"text": "Appointment Booking Field {0} not in field definitions"
"code": "BOOKING-115",
"text": "Exceeded Customer Bookings per day setting of {0}"
"code": "BOOKING-116",
"text": "An email address is required for the booking. Either the booking or the customer must have an Email address."
"code": "BOOKING-117",
"text": "Appointments can only be reserved that have a status of 'IN' (Initial) status"
"code": "BOOKING-118",
"text": "Appointment Email is required if a customerId is not supplied"
"code": "BOOKING-119",
"text": "Appointment Name is required if a customerId is not supplied"
"code": "BOOKING-120",
"text": "Custom field information did not match definition. See GET /consumer/v1/appointments/customFields."
"code": "BOOKING-121",
"text": "Exceeded Customer Bookings per day setting of {0}"
"code": "BOOKING-122",
"text": "Appointment Booking Field {0} not in field definitions"
"code": "BOOKING-123",
"text": "Customer Booking Field {0} not in field definitions"
"code": "BOOKING-124",
"text": "An email address is required for the booking. Either the booking or the customer must have an Email address."
"code": "BOOKING-125",
"text": "Only appointments with 'BK' (Booked) or 'RS' (Reserved) status can be cancelled."
"code": "BOOKING-126",
"text": "Only appointments with 'BK' (Booked) status can be rescheduled."
"code": "BOOKING-127",
"text": "Book ahead limit in online booking settings exceeded."
"code": "BOOKING-128",
"text": "Book in advance limit in online booking settings exceeded."
"code": "BOOKING-129",
"text": "EndDateTime timezone offset must be the same as the StartDateTime offset {0} minutes"
"code": "BOOKING-130",
"text": "Invalid appointment duration. Must match rules defined for the Service"
"code": "BOOKING-131",
"text": "Exceeded Customer Bookings per day setting of {0}"
"code": "BOOKING-132",
"text": "Only appointments with status 'IN' (Initial) can be deleted"
"code": "BOOKING-133",
"text": "GetAppointmentBookingFields failed. Name={0}"
"code": "BOOKING-134",
"text": "Invalid Phone Type. Must be M, H or W."
"code": "BOOKING-135",
"text": "To complete the booking either a customerId is supplied or the email and name are supplied."
"code": "BOOKING-136",
"text": "When Passing in customerBookingFields appointment email and name is required if a customerId is not supplied."
"code": "BOOKING-137",
"text": "Timeslot locked by another booking."
"code": "BOOKING-138",
"text": "There is not enough available capacity for the requested time slot. Max capacity is ({0}), you have requested ({1}) and there are only ({2}) more time slots available."
"code": "BOOKING-139",
"text": "The StartDateTime and EndDateTime are required for rescheduling and appointment"
"code": "BOOKING-140",
"text": "The appointment duration can only be changed when Service's Duration Select Proprty is set to True. Use PUT Service id endpoint to set that to true "
"code": "BOOKING-141",
"text": "Invalid appointment duration. Must match rules defined for the Service. If you were trying to alter Appointment Booking Duration during Reschedule then set values for DurationMin and DurationMax in Service PUT endpoint for the Service with id {0}"
"code": "BOOKING-142",
"text": "New Appointment Duration for Reschedule Appointment is not valid. The apointment duration must be an exact multiple in minutes for the interval set on the service used. The service with seviceId {0} has DurationInterval set to {1} minutes."
"code": "BOOKING-400",
"text": "The booking policy at {0} requires that you cancel within {1} hour(s). Please contact us at email {2} or phone {3} to cancel this appointment."
"code": "BOOKING-401",
"text": "The booking policy at {0} requires that you cancel within {1} hour(s). Please contact {2} at email {3} or skype userId {4} to cancel this appointment."
"code": "BOOKING-402",
"text": "The booking policy at {0} requires that you cancel within {1} hour(s). Your appointment will be cancelled, however your online booking privileges may be suspended if future cancellations do not adhere to our Booking Policy."
"code": "BOOKING-403",
"text": "The booking policy at {0} requires that you reschedule within {1} hour(s). Please contact us at email {2} or phone {3} to cancel this appointment."
"code": "BOOKING-404",
"text": "The booking policy at {0} requires that you reschedule within {1} hour(s). Please contact {2} at email {3} or skype userId {4} to cancel this appointment."
"code": "BOOKING-405",
"text": "The booking policy at {0} requires that you reschedule within {1} hour(s). Your appointment is rescheduled, however your online booking privileges may be suspended if future rescheduled appointments do not adhere to our Booking Policy."
"code": "BOOKING-406",
"text": "Invalid complete status must be one of BK, RS or IN."
"code": "BOOKING-407",
"text": "Ambiguous resource(s) specified. Use resourceId for one on one or resourceIds for multi resource booking."
"code": "BOOKING-408",
"text": "The group size requested ({0}) exceeds the maximum allowable group size for the service ({1})."
"code": "BOOKING-409",
"text": "Either resourceId must be populated or resourceIds but not both."
"code": "BOOKING-410",
"text": "Either customerId must be populated or customerIds but not both."
"code": "BOOKING-411",
"text": "The maximum capacity for group bookings has been reached for this service."
"code": "BOOKING-412",
"text": "The maximum capacity for bookings has been reached for this service."
"code": "BOOKING-413",
"text": "You cannot pass ServiceId in PUT Reschedule with either ResourceId or resourceIds"
"code": "COMPANY-100",
"text": "Invalid Timezone Name. Use IANA Timezone convention."
"code": "COMPANY-101",
"text": "ClientId not found. Contact customer support."
"code": "COMPANY-102",
"text": "Domain not formatted as a valid Uri."
"code": "COMPANY-103",
"text": "Identity Service could not create domain."
"code": "COMPANY-104",
"text": "Identity Service could not update domain."
"code": "COMPANY-105",
"text": "Identity service failed on domain lookup."
"code": "COMPANY-106",
"text": "Identity Service could not delete domain."
"code": "COMPANY-107",
"text": "You must first remove references to region id from business locations."
"code": "COMPANY-108",
"text": "Invalid Email Template Name."
"code": "COMPANY-109",
"text": "Restricted Email Template for company."
"code": "COMPANY-110",
"text": "Could not resolve companyId. Contact customer suppor at"
"code": "COMPANY-111",
"text": "Timezone Name is required."
"code": "COMPANY-112",
"text": "Company Name is required."
"code": "COMPANY-113",
"text": "Registration email is required."
"code": "COMPANY-114",
"text": "Phone is required."
"code": "COMPANY-115",
"text": "Country is required. Can only be 2 characters long."
"code": "LOCATION-100",
"text": "Invalid latlon pair or address in nearestTo parameter."
"code": "LOCATION-101",
"text": "Invalid Timezone Name. Use IANA Timezone convention."
"code": "LOCATION-102",
"text": "FriendlyId cannot contain whitespace."
"code": "LOCATION-103",
"text": "FriendlyId already in use at {0}."
"code": "LOCATION-104",
"text": "No locations present."
"code": "LOCATION-105",
"text": "Location limit is 100 locations."
"code": "LOCATION-106",
"text": "FriendlyId '{0}' cannot contain whitespace."
"code": "LOCATION-107",
"text": "FriendlyId already in use at {0}."
"code": "LOCATION-108",
"text": "The Primary Location cannot be deleted."
"code": "LOCATION-109",
"text": "At least one serviceId is required."
"code": "LOCATION-110",
"text": "A location Service with Service Id={0} already exists."
"code": "LOCATION-111",
"text": "One or more of the service id's supplied is not for a valid service."
"code": "LOCATION-112",
"text": "One or more of the service id's supplied is not authorized for your company or business location."
"code": "LOCATION-113",
"text": "Image data string is not Base64 encoded."
"code": "LOCATION-114",
"text": "Invalid Email Template Name."
"code": "LOCATION-115",
"text": "Restricted Email Template for location."
"code": "LOCATION-116",
"text": "Template content data string is not Base64 encoded."
"code": "LOCATION-117",
"text": "Name is a required field for the location POST."
"code": "LOCATION-118",
"text": "Location AdminEmail is a required field."
"code": "LOCATION-119",
"text": "Location AdminName is a required field."
"code": "LOCATION-120",
"text": "Location timezoneName is a required field."
"code": "LOCATION-121",
"text": "Location settingsScope must have a value of 0 = CompanyScope or 1 = LocationScope."
"code": "LOCATION-122",
"text": "This location already has settings scoped to the business location."
"code": "LOCATION-123",
"text": "This location already has settings scoped to the company."
"code": "LOCATION-124",
"text": "Friendly Id's within your company must unique."
"code": "LOCATION-125",
"text": "Location name cannot exceed 50 characters."
"code": "LOCATION-126",
"text": "Phone number is not valid. Phone numbers must be at least 7 characters in length and not exceed 15."
"code": "LOCATION-127",
"text": "Fax number is not valid. fax number must be at least 7 characters in length and not exceed 15."
"code": "LOCATION-128",
"text": "The region specified by RegionId was invalid or not found."
"code": "LOCATION-129",
"text": "The region specified by RegionId is not authorized for this Company."
"code": "LOCATION-137",
"text": "The search resulted in an ambiguous response from the Google Maps API. Please try again with one of the following locations: {0}"
"code": "LOCATION-138",
"text": "You can not change the Scope of the Primary Company. Contact support for more assistance."
"code": "APPOINTMENT-100",
"text": "Appointment already assigned to this resource."
"code": "BUSINESSUSER-100",
"text": "Business user email address is not unique. Must be unique within the location."
"code": "BUSINESSHOURS-100",
"text": "End time cannot be less than Start time."
"code": "BUSINESSHOURS-101",
"text": "Ambiguous input. Either IsOpen is true or Is24Hours is true but not both."
"code": "CALENDAR-100",
"text": "Interval must be 1,5,10,15,20,30,60."
"code": "CALENDAR-101",
"text": "Type must be either resource or simple."
"code": "CALENDAR-102",
"text": "Primary calendar cannot be deleted."
"code": "CALENDAR-103",
"text": "Repeat element data must be supplied if Repeats is true."
"code": "CALENDAR-104",
"text": "Start date and time must be greater than the current date time of location."
"code": "CALENDAR-105",
"text": "Availability must have values for all days of the week."
"code": "CALENDARBLOCK-100",
"text": "Start date and time must be greater than the current date time of location."
"code": "CALENDARBLOCK-101",
"text": "Repeat element data must be supplied if Repeats is true."
"code": "CALENDARBLOCK-103",
"text": "The reason is a required field."
"code": "CALENDARBLOCK-104",
"text": "The reason must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"code": "CALENDARBLOCK-105",
"text": "You cannot create calendar blocks in the past. StartDate and EndDate must be greater than or equal to today's date."
"code": "CALENDARBLOCK-106",
"text": "Start date cannot be greater than the end date for calendar blocks."
"text": "Start time cannot be greater than the end time for calendar blocks when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start time cannot be equal than the end time for calendar blocks when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start date cannot be greater than the end date for calendar blocks."
"text": "Start date is a required field."
"text": "End date is a required field."
"text": "Start time is a required field."
"text": "End time is a required field."
"code": "CUSTOMER-100",
"text": "Custom field information did not match definition. See GET /consumer/v1/customers/customFields."
"code": "CUSTOMER-101",
"text": "Customer email address is not unique. Must be unique within a location."
"code": "CUSTOMER-102",
"text": "Customer is already subscribed to a plan. Only one subscription per customer is allowed."
"code": "CUSTOMER-103",
"text": "Email field is required to create a Customer."
"code": "RESOURCE-100",
"text": "Invalid or Unsupported IANA Timezone Id."
"code": "RESOURCE-101",
"text": "Invalid Microsoft TimezoneId supplied. You can use Iana Timezone as alternative."
"code": "RESOURCE-102",
"text": "All days of week must be present in availability - {0}."
"code": "RESOURCE-103",
"text": "No resources present."
"code": "RESOURCE-104",
"text": "The resourceId(target) must be different than the id(source)"
"code": "RESOURCE-105",
"text": "Could not find primary calendar in business location. Contact support."
"code": "RESOURCE-106",
"text": "Calendar specified was not found."
"code": "RESOURCE-107",
"text": "Repeat element data must be supplied if Repeats is true."
"code": "RESOURCE-108",
"text": "Start date and time must be greater than the current date time of location."
"code": "RESOURCE-109",
"text": "A resource Service with Service Id={0} already exists."
"code": "RESOURCE-110",
"text": "One or more of the service id's supplied is not for a valid service."
"code": "RESOURCE-111",
"text": "One or more of the service id's supplied is not authorized for your company or business location."
"code": "RESOURCE-112",
"text": "Image data string is not Base64 encoded."
"code": "RESOURCE-113",
"text": "The Resource at index={0} in the input resources array for this endpoint has a bad serviceId={1} in ServiceIds[] parameter. No Resource was created/changed as a result"
"code": "RESOURCE-114",
"text": "Name is required to POST a Resource"
"code": "RESOURCE-115",
"text": "Service name cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "RESOURCE-116",
"text": "Recurring Availability parameter is required."
"code": "RESOURCE-117",
"text": "Invalid notification type. 0:Default 1:Email 2:SMS 3:Email and SMS."
"text": "The reason is a required field."
"text": "The reason must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"text": "You cannot create resource allocations in the past. StartDate and EndDate must be greater than or equal to today's date."
"text": "End date must be greater than or equal to start date for resource allocations."
"text": "Start Date is required for resource allocations"
"text": "Start time cannot be greater than the end time for resource allocation when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start time cannot be equal than the end time for resource allocations when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start date cannot be greater than the end date for resource allocations."
"text": "Start date is a required field."
"text": "End date is a required field."
"text": "Start time is a required field."
"text": "End time is a required field."
"code": "RESOURCEBLOCK-100",
"text": "The reason is a required field."
"code": "RESOURCEBLOCK-101",
"text": "The reason must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"code": "RESOURCEBLOCK-102",
"text": "You cannot create resource blocks in the past. StartDate and EndDate must be greater than or equal to today's date."
"code": "RESOURCEBLOCK-103",
"text": "End date must be greater than or equal to start date for resource blocks."
"text": "Start time cannot be greater than the end time for resource blocks when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start time cannot be equal than the end time for resource blocks when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start date cannot be greater than the end date for resource blocks."
"text": "Start date is a required field."
"text": "End date is a required field."
"text": "Start time is a required field."
"text": "End time is a required field."
"code": "SERVICE-100",
"text": "Integrity Error: At least one FK must be present. Contact customer support."
"code": "SERVICE-101",
"text": "Integrity Error: Ambiguous related entities. Contact customer support"
"code": "SERVICE-102",
"text": "Not authorized for access to service."
"code": "SERVICE-103",
"text": "All days of week must be present in availability."
"code": "SERVICE-104",
"text": "Invalid Service Type value."
"code": "SERVICE-105",
"text": "Service already linked to calendar."
"code": "SERVICE-106",
"text": "Repeat element data must be supplied if Repeats is true."
"code": "SERVICE-107",
"text": "End date and time must be greater than the start date time."
"code": "SERVICE-108",
"text": "No allocations present."
"code": "SERVICE-109",
"text": "End date and time must be greater than or equal to the start date time."
"code": "SERVICE-110",
"text": "Image data string is not Base64 encoded."
"code": "SERVICE-111",
"text": "Service does not have an associated image file."
"code": "SERVICE-112",
"text": "Duration interval must be greater than zero if duration select is true."
"code": "SERVICE-113",
"text": "Duration min must be greater than zero if duration select is true."
"code": "SERVICE-114",
"text": "Duration max must be greater than duration min if duration select is true."
"code": "SERVICE-115",
"text": "Duration max must be divisible by the Duration Min if duration select is true."
"code": "SERVICE-116",
"text": "Duration max must be divisible by the interval if duration select is true."
"code": "SERVICE-117",
"text": "Passing in LocationId with allLocations set to true is not permissible. Try again with allLocations set to false if you want to query by locationId"
"code": "SERVICE-118",
"text": "MaxGroupSize cannot be Greater than maxCapacity."
"code": "SERVICE-119",
"text": "MaxGroupSize cannot be Greater than MaxCapacity, currently set to {0}."
"code": "SERVICE-120",
"text": "Name is required to POST a Service"
"code": "SERVICE-121",
"text": "Service name cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "SERVICE-122",
"text": "The service ID is not scoped to this location."
"code": "SERVICE-123",
"text": "The service duration must be greater than 0."
"code": "SERVICE-124",
"text": "MaxGroupSize needs to be greater than 0 if maxCapacity is greater than 0."
"code": "SERVICE-125",
"text": "Service Duration: ({2}) must be between the service Duration Min: ({0}) and service Duration Max: ({1}) if DurationSelect is true."
"code": "SERVICE-126",
"text": "Name should not be more then 50 characters long."
"text": "You cannot create service allocations in the past. StartDate and EndDate must be greater than or equal to today's date."
"text": "The reason is a required field."
"text": "The reason must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"text": "Start time cannot be greater than the end time for service allocations when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start time cannot be equal than the end time for service allocations when start date and end date are equal."
"text": "Start date cannot be greater than the end date for service allocations."
"text": "Start date is a required field."
"text": "End date is a required field."
"text": "Start time is a required field."
"text": "End time is a required field."
"code": "RESOURCEGROUP-100",
"text": "Name is required."
"code": "RESOURCEGROUP-101",
"text": "Invalid Name provided."
"code": "RESOURCEGROUP-102",
"text": "Invalid resource group Id provided."
"code": "SERVICEGROUP-100",
"text": "Name is required."
"code": "SERVICEGROUP-101",
"text": "Invalid Name provided."
"code": "SERVICEGROUP-102",
"text": "Invalid service group type. Please provide 0 for 'Default' or 1 for 'Classes'."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-100",
"text": "Availability startTime parameter >= endTime."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-101",
"text": "The /times endpoint only supports appointment type services."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-102",
"text": "Availability startDate must be greater than or equal to the local date time of the business based on Timezone."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-103",
"text": "No resources exist at this location. You must define at least one resource to get availability results."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-104",
"text": "No resources found which support this service. Check resource services."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-105",
"text": "Availability Duration parameter must be between the service Duration Min: ({1}) and service Duration Max: ({0})"
"code": "AVAILABILITY-106",
"text": "Invalid value for resourceId. Must be a numeric value."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-107",
"text": "TimezoneName and tzOffset cannot both have a value. It is strongly suggested to utilize timezoneName as tzOffset remains for backward compatibility and is more difficult to correctly implement."
"code": "AVAILABILITY-108",
"text": "Invalid Timezone Name. Use IANA / Geopolitical Time Zone convention."
"code": "GOOGLE-100",
"text": "GoogleCalendarApi.GetCalendarList CalendarId: {0} Failed {1}."
"code": "REPEAT-100",
"text": "Repeat element data must be supplied if Repeats is true."
"code": "REPEAT-101",
"text": "Repeat element data requires a valid frequency.Values D = Daily, W = Weekly, M = Monthly, Y = Yearly"
"code": "REPEAT-102",
"text": "Repeat interval must be between 1 and 365 for when freqency is D."
"code": "REPEAT-103",
"text": "Repeat interval must be between 1 and 52 for when freqency is W."
"code": "REPEAT-104",
"text": "Repeat interval must be between 1 and 12 for when freqency is M."
"code": "REPEAT-105",
"text": "Repeat interval must be between 1 and 5 for when freqency is Y."
"code": "REPEAT-106",
"text": "Repeat weekdays property is required when frequency is W."
"code": "REPEAT-107",
"text": "Invalid Repeat weekdays values. 0 = Sunday. 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday"
"code": "REPEAT-108",
"text": "Month Type must be D or M when frequency is M. For Month Type D, repeats on the same day each month, otherwise uses Day of week, and week of month values."
"code": "REPEAT-109",
"text": "Repeat monthDay and/or monthType property is required when frequency is M."
"code": "SETTINGS-100",
"text": "When settingsScope == 1(location), the settings element must be populated. When settingsScope == 0(company), the settings element must not be supplied."
"code": "SETTINGS-101",
"text": "Missing online settings entity for business location. Contact customer support at"
"code": "SETTINGS-102",
"text": "Booking timer minutes must be between 1 and 30. This setting specifies minutes allowed to complete a booking from IN status to BK."
"code": "SETTINGS-103",
"text": "Book in advance must be between 0 and 10,080 minutes."
"code": "SETTINGS-104",
"text": "Book ahead unit must be between 0 and 3. 0 = No book ahead, 1 = days, 2 = weeks, 3 = months."
"code": "SETTINGS-105",
"text": "BookAheadValue must be between: 1 and 365 when unit is days, 1 and 52 when unit is weeks, 1 and 1440 when unit is months."
"code": "SETTINGS-106",
"text": "If bookAheadUnit is supplied then bookAheadValue must also be supplied and vice versa."
"code": "SETTINGS-107",
"text": "CustomerBookingsPerDay must be between 1 and 100."
"code": "SETTINGS-108",
"text": "Could not resolve OnlineBookingSettings. Contact customer support at"
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-100",
"text": "StartDate must be less than or equal to EndDate."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-101",
"text": "StartTime must be less than or equal to EndTime."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-102",
"text": "The locationId is a required field."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-103",
"text": "The reason is a required field."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-104",
"text": "The reason must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-105",
"text": "You cannot create service blocks in the past. StartDate and EndDate must be greater than or equal to today's date."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-106",
"text": "End date must be greater than or equal to start date for service blocks."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-TIME-100",
"text": "Start time cannot be greater than the end time for service blocks when start date and end date are equal."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-TIME-101",
"text": "Start time cannot be equal to the end time for service blocks when start date and end date are equal."
"code": "SERVICEBLOCK-DATE-100",
"text": "Start date cannot be greater than the end date for service blocks."
"text": "Start date is a required field."
"text": "End date is a required field."
"text": "Start time is a required field."
"text": "End time is a required field."
"code": "ADDRESS-100",
"text": "AddressLine1 must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"code": "ADDRESS-101",
"text": "AddressLine2 must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"code": "ADDRESS-102",
"text": "City must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 50 characters."
"code": "ADDRESS-103",
"text": "State must be at least 1 characters in length and not exceed 3 characters and conform to ISO-3166-2 standard."
"code": "ADDRESS-104",
"text": "Country must be exactly 2 characters in length and conform to the ISO 3166 standard for countries."
"code": "ADDRESS-105",
"text": "PostalCode must be at least 2 characters in length and not exceed 10 characters."
"code": "ADDRESS-106",
"text": "Country is required when the address element is present."
"code": "ADDRESS-107",
"text": "Country is not valid. It must be a valid 2 digit code based on ISO 3166 standard for countries."
"code": "ADDRESS-108",
"text": "State is not valid for this country. State must conform to ISO-3166-2 standard."
"code": "CONTACT-100",
"text": "HomePhone is not a valid phone number. Phone numbers must be at least 7 characters in length and not exceed 15."
"code": "CONTACT-101",
"text": "MobilePhone is not a valid phone number. Phone numbers must be at least 7 characters in length and not exceed 15."
"code": "CONTACT-102",
"text": "BusinessPhone is not a valid phone number. Phone numbers must be at least 7 characters in length and not exceed 15."
"code": "CONTACT-103",
"text": "BusinessPhoneExt is not valid. Extension number must be a number of at least 1 characters in length and not exceed 6 characters."
"code": "CONTACT-104",
"text": "PreferredPhoneType accepted values are M, B, H"
"code": "CUSTOMF-100",
"text": "Field1 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-101",
"text": "Field2 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-102",
"text": "Field3 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-103",
"text": "Field4 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-104",
"text": "Field5 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-105",
"text": "Field6 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-106",
"text": "Field7 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-107",
"text": "Field8 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-108",
"text": "Field9 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"code": "CUSTOMF-109",
"text": "Field10 cannot exceed 255 characters."
"text": "Interval's value must be betweeen 0-3. 1 for hour, 2 for day, 3 for week and 0 to remove reminder."
"text": "Reminder value should be a non negative number."
"text": "Second email reminder must be after first email reminder."
"text": "Second SMS reminder must be after first SMS reminder."
"code": "INVALIDTIME-100",
"text": "StartTime and EndTime must be in Military Time Format HHMM. Valid range 0-2400.\nThe last two characters represent Minutes and the First one (or two) represent Hours in 24 hour time.\nYou entered {0}: {1} which is incorrect."
Updated 4 months ago