put https://sandbox-api.onsched.com/setup/v1/resources//availability
Use this endpoint to Update resource weekly availability. A valid resource id is required. The availability day entries are created when a resource object is created.
To update weekly availability hours, all days of the week must be provided. Days are defined as sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri and sat. The startTime and endTime fields are entered in military format. e.g., 800 is 8:00am, 2230 is 10:30pm. We support 24-hour availability, set startTime=0 and endTime=2400. To set a whole day as unavailable, set both the startTime and endTime to 0.
If you require times in between specified hours to be unavailable, use the resource blocks endpoints. Times entered represent the timezone of the resource. Resources can be set to any world timezone.