
July 6, 2021 - Production API Release

Deprecation notice

  • Added deprecation notice to Swagger documents for GET /consumer/v1/availability/.../times endpoint
  • This endpoint was previously marked as Beta status, and it's functionality has been and is being folded into GET /consumer/v1/availability/...
  • We will not perform further maintenance on this endpoint

Bugfixes and Enhancements

  • New query parameters added to GET /consumer/v1/services. Added the ability to look up all services across all locations, filter by scope and alter the sort order. Added documentation of the default values for these new parameters
  • Fix issue where GET /consumer/v1/services did not display company scoped services when searching with a locationId
  • Fix issue where POST locations was not correctly storing the location address
  • Fix issue where IP whitelist settings in OnSched Portal disable access to the API
  • Fix issue where updating serviceAllocations without startDate would set startDate to 0001-01-01 and not including repeat object would null out repeat values