Aug 11, 2021 - Production API Release

  • Rename ResourceAllocations routes to maintain consistency with EventAllocation routes. ResourceAllocations continues to be a work in progress. They are not yet connected to availability

MaxCapacity/GroupSize Fixes

  • The slots now disappear when available capacity is exhausted in addition to bookingLimit
  • Availability now checks for allowableAppointments on a slot before booking an appointment
  • POST/PUT Appointments endpoints now validates groupSize with correlation to the Service's maxCapacity, maxGroupSize settings
  • POST/PUT Services endpoints now validate maxCapacity, maxGroupSize settings
  • The default values of allowableCapacity and availableCapacity are 0. When both are 0, they are ignored by availability/appointments endpoints

Note: If you are using maxCapacity with the intention of booking multiple appointments in a single (1) slot, make sure you update the bookingLimit in the service to reflect that. Good practice is to make the bookingLimit equivalent to the maxCapacity. Assumption: If every booking is a single booking, you need to allow the maxCapacity number of booking in that slot. By default bookingLimit=1